World / Lockdown returns in china flu cases increase after covid 19 in xian people furious on social media

In some cities of China, once again the threat of lockdown has started looming. This time the danger is not from Corona but from another dangerous disease. Although China has definitely claimed a decrease in the cases of corona, but the cases of flu are continuously increasing here. Because of this, as a precaution, Chinese officials want to impose lockdown in some areas.

In some cities of China, once again the threat of lockdown has started looming. This time the danger is not from Corona but from another dangerous disease. Although China has definitely claimed a decrease in the cases of corona, but the cases of flu are continuously increasing here. Because of this, as a precaution, Chinese officials want to impose lockdown in some areas. At the same time, resentment is also being seen among the local people after this decision. The local people are afraid that if the lockdown is imposed, the situation will become like the time of Corona.

According to a news from Firstpost, there may be a return of lockdown in Xi'an city of China. In this city with a population of 13 million, the administration may impose a lockdown to stop the rising cases of influenza. On Wednesday, Xi'an's administration issued an emergency notice to local authorities. It states that if influenza cases increase, schools, business houses and entertainment centers should be closed as a precaution. If the danger is high, then lockdown can also be imposed in some areas of the city.

Corona cases reduced in China

According to the report of Firstpost, the cases of corona are decreasing in China, but the cases of flu are increasing continuously. Because of this, the supply of anti-viral medicines has reduced both in shops and online pharmacies.

people angry on social media

Meanwhile, the notice of lockdown in Xi'an has created resentment among the local people. Many people have started raising their voice against this plan. People fear that a situation like 2021 may arise again, when strict lockdown was imposed after increasing cases of Kovid. During this time people could not get out of their houses. Even people were facing shortage of food and basic things.

Various types of reactions of people are coming to the fore on China's social network platform Weibo amid the apprehension of a lockdown in Xi'an. According to a Bloomberg report, a user asked, "Isn't torturing people last year enough?'