- USA,
- 31-Mar-2021 12:25 PM IST
A woman in America's New York has accused the governor of physical exploitation. The name of the woman is Sherry Wile, according to which New York Governor Andrew Geumo tried to force him. Referring to the incident, the victim woman said, "The actions of the ghum" was excessive sexual induced, inappropriate and insulting my family. "The 55-year-old Ville from New York is the 10th woman to accuse the governor there. Even before this, many women have made such accusations on the governor. Ville's lawyer, Allred told in a press conference that the case is 2017. GOUMO caught the Vile during a program in 2017 and at his house without consent. According to Ville, this incident has been done when the Governor Geumo in 2017 was surveyed by the loss of the terrain after the flood. The victim imposed this sensational charge on the governor during the press conference.The victim Ville said, "The governor came to my house during the survey, he looked at me and contacted me, took my hand and pulled me with him," After that he kissed my cheek during that time. There was a dog. Will said that during this time the governor had talked to him "excessive sexual stimulating" which he did not even imagine.The victim said, "I did not feel surprised and did not understand what happened to it. In which family members are done in what strangers are not done and especially if not for the first time they are not at all.Not only that the victim Wile further told that after the incident, Governor Geumo was coming out of the house, he looked at me and said, "You are beautiful. This felt more uncomfortable," I felt like this. I am coming to home. During that time the governor's employee had moved forward to see the losses outside the house.