Bihar / Nitish government banned mass prayer and Shravani fair in Bakrid

Between the fears of Corona's third wave in Bihar, the government has once again started showing strictly. Nitish Government (Nitish Government) has made strict rules for the crowd of people like Sawan and Bakrid. Under these rules, on the occasion of Bakrid (Bakrid 2021), where people can not read the prayers collectively, in the month of Sawan (Shrawan 2021) has also been decided to ban the worship in the pagodas.

Patna. Between the fears of Corona's third wave in Bihar, the government has once again started showing strictly. Nitish Government (Nitish Government) has made strict rules for the crowd of people like Sawan and Bakrid. Under these rules, on the occasion of Bakrid (Bakrid 2021), where people can not read the prayers collectively, in the month of Sawan (Shrawan 2021) has also been decided to ban the worship in the pagodas. Actually, the cases of Corona have been less in Bihar, but the government's best efforts can be prevented from spreading it again collectively.

DM Chandrasekhar Singh of Patna about Bakrid made a big meeting with the Superintendent of Police and all the officials on Monday. While issuing instructions after the meeting, DM said that after following the Kovid Guideline, Bakrid's prayers can be read only in homes. Namaz will not be allowed to pray in any Idgah or Masjid. On the occasion of Bakriid, will be completely restricted on any public function. While issuing instructions to all SDO, BDO and CO, instructed to tell all the guidelines at the meeting of the Peace Committee at the police station and subdivision level.

Shravani Mela has also been banned on Shawan with Bakrid. Under the Kovid rules, any public fair or ceremony will be restricted. At the same time, Kanwar has been banned in temples. In the temples, the first Somewari has been instructed to make security arrangements. Bihar State Religious Trust Board President Akhilesh Kumar Jain has informed that the Bihar government has issued a CD, in which August has been completely banned on any kind of religious program and its event. Given the fear of the third wave of people's security and corona infection, Shravani Mela will not be organized this time and any program related to the Savannah Festival will be completely restricted.

Akhilesh Kumar Jain has appealed to the people that people worship themselves in their homes. The temple will be completely closed for ordinary people. The priest of the temple will only worship in the morning and evening. The celebration and fair in the month of Savan have been organized, it has also been restricted. People will not be allowed to take water from Sultanganj and Bhagalpur. He has appealed to the people that people who support the government every time, will also support the people of the decision and take care of all the security.