India-Pakistan Relations / Pak got angry on Jaishankar's warning, called Kashmir an international issue

Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar warned Pakistan that the phase of talks is over and now it will get a reply in its own language. Pakistan reacted to this by saying that the Kashmir dispute is an international issue and it should be resolved under the UNSC resolutions.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Sep 02, 2024, 12:59 PM
India-Pakistan Relations: The recent warning of Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar has created a stir in Pakistan. Jaishankar had said in a program that the round of talks with Pakistan is over and now it will be answered in its own language. Pakistan has reacted sharply to his statement.

Pakistan Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute is an internationally disputed issue and should be resolved under the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Baloch made it clear that the issue cannot be resolved unilaterally and it should be resolved in accordance with the resolutions of the Security Council and the wishes of the people of Kashmir. He said that the resolution of this unresolved dispute is extremely important for peace and stability in South Asia. Pakistan is committed to diplomacy and dialogue, but will respond strongly to any hostile action.

Jaishankar slammed Pakistan at a book release event in Delhi on Friday and said that there will be no talks with it now. He said that Pakistan exports terrorism and terrorism and dialogue cannot go together. Jaishankar also made it clear that Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh will always remain an integral part of India, and every positive or negative step by Pakistan will be responded to in its own language.

Pakistan's response shows that tensions between the two countries can increase further, and it also highlights the sensitivity of the Kashmir issue on the international stage.