CBSE Board Exam 2021 Cancelled / Result will come without examination, but how will admission? DU told its formula

Some other boards including CBSE board have decided to cancel their 12th examinations. The central government announced this on the previous day and now the state boards of many states can also take similar steps. Now when the results will come on the criteria set by the board, then the biggest question is of admission in the college.

Some other boards including CBSE board have decided to cancel their 12th examinations. The central government announced this on the previous day and now the state boards of many states can also take similar steps. Now when the results will come on the criteria set by the board, then the biggest question is of admission in the college.

Delhi University says that this time also admission will be done on the basis of merit in their university. That is, the option of entrance exam will not be considered. Delhi University is one of the largest universities in the country, where children from all over the country come to study.

Delhi University's Acting Vice Chancellor PC Joshi told an English newspaper that they support the decision taken by the Government of India due to Corona. Our admission will be done on the basis of merit only. Whatever criteria the board decides for the result, they will respect it.

It has been said on behalf of DU that CBSE will adopt any criteria to declare its result, because the result is sure to come. In such a situation, on the basis of those results, we will decide the merit.

Entrance exam option rejected?

Let us tell that every year about 12 lakh children take admission in Delhi University and go to different colleges under it. This time, earlier the formula was given by the university that 50% children should be given admission on the basis of merit and rest of the children on the basis of entrance test, for this a common test was being prepared.

But now that the third wave of Corona is feared and the student-parents are somewhat nervous. In such a situation, the option of entrance test has been postponed for now and now merit will be considered as the basis. That is, now everyone's eyes are fixed on the formula of CBSE, by which the result will be declared.