World / Russian Porn Stars Veronika Troshina Hunted By Cops After Filming Sex Video On Sacred Bali Mountain

Porn video of a Russian model in front of the sacred Mount Baatur volcano located on the island of Bali, Indonesia has created a ruckus. This Russian model posted the video on the Porn Hub website, which has been seen by millions of people so far. After the video went viral, Bali police are now trying to find out if the Russian model is still present on this beautiful island.

Bali, Indonesia: Porn video of a Russian model in front of the sacred Mount Baatur volcano located on the island of Bali, Indonesia has created a ruckus. This Russian model posted the video on the Porn Hub website, which has been seen by millions of people so far. After the video went viral, Bali police are now trying to find out if the Russian model is still present on this beautiful island.

Not only this, the police is also looking for the tourists with whose help the Russian model made this sex video on the top of the holy volcano. It is seen in the video that the Russian model is wearing a mask. 12 million people have watched this video on the porn hub so far. However, this video was taken down after protests. It is also believed that this video is from last year.

Russian couple may be sentenced to two years and 8 months

Chief Gusti Agung Dhana Arywan of Bangali area said, 'Our officer has found out the location. It is on the way to Mount Batur above the Pasar Agung temple. We are trying to find out from the immigration department whether people who are involved in this whole case are still present in Bali or not. He said that legal action should be taken against the couple if they are still in Indonesia.

According to Indonesian law, a Russian couple can be sentenced to two years and 8 months after being found guilty in such cases. Earlier in Bali itself, in February, a model took a picture on a threatened elephant and took a picture. Even after this incident there was a ruckus. The woman was questioned by Bali police.