- India,
- 10-Apr-2022 10:00 AM IST
Astronomers have discovered the most distant galaxy ever discovered after finding the farthest star in the universe. They named it HD1. It is located at a distance of 13.5 billion light years from Earth. Astronomers say that it was formed after the Big Bang.According to astronomers, a bright red colored body of the early period of the universe has been discovered. Sometimes its light comes from very far and coming from such a distance, it becomes blurred and due to heavy objects falling in the way, it also gets distortion. Therefore, it becomes very difficult to get information about these sources or objects located very far away.According to the study published in 'The Astrophysical Journal', researchers are not yet sure whether this galaxy is a starburst galaxy or a positive galaxy flying along with the stars. Scientists are also not able to determine whether it is Quajar, at the center of which a supermassive supermassive black hole remains active.Information gathering is challengingAstrophysicist Fabio Pacucci of the Harvard and Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics says that answering questions about the nature of such a distant source can be a challenging task. Even the light of the brightest celestial body, Quajar, becomes so faint after such a long journey that even our powerful telescopes find it very difficult to capture these lights.Don't know anything except color and sizeAccording to Pacukai, it is like locating a ship standing in the thick of fog in the sea, whose flag may have some color and shape, but it cannot be seen completely. Investigating the objects of the early universe is a very difficult task.More than 100 stars are being formed every yearAccording to the researchers, more than 100 stars are being formed in this galaxy every year, which is 10 times more than the stars formed in the early galaxy. Also the light coming from the HD1 is confusing. Its color was red in the beginning, which is gradually changing to dark black.NASA got the vehicle near Saturn in 1980NASA saw a spacecraft near Saturn in the year 1980. Its length was about 3200 km and width was 800 km. Former NASA engineer Bob Dean has claimed this. However, the origin of this alien vehicle has not been known till date. It looked somewhat like the shape of an alien. He said that NASA has known for decades that there is life outside the Earth for decades. He released a video and said, many such discoveries have taken billions of years. During the search, we find such stars that probably have planets, those planets can be three times older than our star.