Relationship / Sex during the coronavirus pandemic and does sex protect you from covid 19

Have sex, immunity means that the body's ability to fight against diseases will increase! Have you ever received any advice in this regard? Did your doctor ever say this to you? Definitely not. But Arizona doctor Faith Coats insists this is the advice. And this confident doctor did not confine his advice to his chamber, but spread it on the Internet.

Relationship | Have sex, immunity means that the body's ability to fight against diseases will increase! Have you ever received any advice in this regard? Did your doctor ever say this to you? Definitely not. But Arizona doctor Faith Coats insists this is the advice. And this confident doctor did not confine his advice to his chamber, but spread it on the Internet.

A video has been made on quotes from Quotes. He has revealed this to his 6 lakh 18 thousand followers. One of his fans asked him, "Orgasm keeps us from getting sick, is it true or false?" In response, Coats shared the video. In this, he says, 'True! By having sex at least once or twice a week, the immune system works well at 30%. This is the advice of doctors. '

Not just a matter of what Coats said. Research has been published in various journals and magazines. It is seen in them that sex or healthy sex has many benefits. It sometimes increases immunity, sometimes keeps the heart good and sometimes reduces stress and makes the mind good.

In 2004, a study claimed that having sex at least twice a week increases the amount of immunoglobin 'A' in the body. It is a type of antibody that helps to increase immunity from mucous tissue of salivary glands, nose, vagina, etc. However, this study has not been repeated since 2004. But many research has been done regarding heart health and sex. Such as a research paper published in the American Journal of Cardiology in 2018. It said that men who have sex more than twice a week are less likely to have a heart attack than those who have sex only once a month.

But there are some buts here too. The question remains whether the sex will have any effect on those who have some problem in their heart. According to a suggestion by the American Heart Association, it is safe for them to have sex, which can exercise as many as three to five metabolic equivalents (MET) without any heart problem. The amount of energy spent during physical exertion is measured by metabolic equivalents. For example, a low-impact aerobic exercise costs 5 MET energy.

In 2016, another research claimed that women who have regular sex are less likely to have heart problems. However there was a caveat in this study. Excessive sexual activity can sometimes cause heart problems in men. However, this fact contradicts some previous studies. Therefore, most people recommend to be safe that if a partner has a heart problem, then it is better to seek the advice of a doctor.

The study said that high blood pressure is less common among older women who are satisfied with their sex life. This was not good news for men. There is another aspect to it. Sexual desire is seen less in many men who eat high blood pressure medications. The reason behind this may be the effect of high blood pressure and medication. That is why high blood pressure patients should seek the advice of a doctor.

And there are some points where sex has a positive contribution. A study conducted in 2019 found that intimacy with a partner is helpful in keeping the body's levels of cartisol hormone normal. Cartisol is a steroid hormone. When stress increases, its level in the blood rises sharply. Sex causes the body to release feel-good hormones such as oxytocin, endorphins, which are actually effective in reducing stress. Therefore, whether the immunity is increased or not, 'Moderate' sex helps in decreasing stress.

Prolactin hormone is released from the body after an organism, then brings a feeling of satisfaction. Then oxytocin, endorphins relieve stress and lead to good sleep.

In another case, scientists have discovered the good quality of sex, regarding the prostate cancer of men. Scientists have researched about 30,000 men for a long time. The result suggests that men who ejaculate 6-7 times a month are less likely to have prostate cancer than those who ejaculate 21 times a month.