Sex revolution in India / Sex technique changed the world of Sex in future

These stupid people start having sex on any day of the month. Barbara is in a hurry to have sex even on the day when she is not expected to get pregnant. Even immediately after the end of the period. And don't even ask John, he is always in the throes of sex. She also does not care whether it will make the possibility of having a child or not.

Pretend that your pet dog has brains like you. He can speak and you ask him questions about your sex life. So how and what will be the answer? The answer would be something like this-

These stupid people start having sex on any day of the month. Barbara is in a hurry to have sex even on the day when she is not expected to get pregnant. Even immediately after the end of the period. And don't even ask John, he is always in the throes of sex. She also does not care whether it will make the possibility of having a child or not. If you really want to know about the most bullshit act of these people, then let me tell that even when Barbara was pregnant, John kept having sex with them ... a strange thing is that whenever both have to have sex, they are locked in the room. If they really had self-respect, they should do it in front of their friends, like any self-respecting dog would.

These lines are from the book 'Why is Sex Fun: The Evolution of Human Sexuality' by noted author Jared Diamond. He is trying to tell that all living beings except humans have sex only for the purpose of procreation. Among these creatures, only the sexual behavior of humans is different. For him, sex is also a matter of fun along with carrying forward his lineage.

Looking for fun in sex! So the freedom that nature has given humans to have sex at any time, are people really enjoying it by taking advantage of it? Are they happy with it? It is often claimed in sex surveys that the sexual life of most couples is boring. They have sex after a long gap. It was no fun for them.

Research has also revealed that a happy couple is the one who tries new things about sex. A new industry is flourishing with the desire to do something new and fulfill the unfulfilled desires of human beings. This industry is sextech i.e. such new technology, which increases sexual pleasure. Sex toys are the most common in this. It is possible that you have heard about them. You would be surprised to know that during the lockdown in India, the sale of sex toys increased by 65 percent.

Technology has touched every aspect of our lives in the last two decades. It also includes sex. If you are surprised by the innovation in sextech so far, then the time to come can blow your senses. Many interesting new discoveries are being made here, which will increase sexual pleasure even more and give it a real life-like feeling. In this connection, I would like to tell you about the pillow in which the heartbeat of your partner can be transferred. Let's say you are in Delhi and your wife or girlfriend is in Mumbai. So your partner's heartbeat pillow will erase that distance. When you sleep with your head on it, you will be able to hear their beats.

Some people also use sex dolls for sexual pleasure, whose trend has increased especially here and abroad. There even its brothels have started opening. Sex dolls have one drawback that they do not react to your actions. That's why it doesn't feel like real sex with them.

To overcome this shortcoming, the sextech industry is trying to make sex robots. These will be based on artificial intelligence, which will talk to humans, just like them. Will retaliate for your actions. You can make them as per your choice. If you want, you can make robots just like humans. These sex robots will have heaters installed inside. That is, when you touch them, you will feel warm. In the same way, as when touching the skin of a sexual partner.

Touch is a great need of human being. When skin meets skin, oxytocin is released. This makes us feel connected to another person. We find peace and relaxation. Will oxytocin release when a sex robot touches the skin? Science does not yet have the answer to this question, but it has found a way to reach orgasm.

This work will be done with electrodes implant. These electrodes will be implanted near the spinal cord. With this, extreme happiness can be attained by simply pressing a button. This technique can be especially useful for women with disabilities, who are unable to reach the climax. We also know from our experience that technology is like a double-edged sword. That is, it brings along with advantages disadvantages as well. With this technique, people may want to go straight to the climax instead of the entire sexual process.