India / Stickers to identify completely vaccinated houses: Mandaviya in UP village

Vikrant Shekhawat : Nov 13, 2021, 02:03 PM
New Delhi: Union minister for health and family welfare Mansukh Mandaviya said on Friday stickers will be pasted outside the houses where all residents were fully vaccinated against Covid-19 .

“The sticker will read all the family members here are vaccinated fully,” said the minister, during his visit to Natkur village in Sarojini Nagar development block of Lucknow.

“The minister said this during his visit to a UP village today, but there have been no formal instructions given to states regarding the same by the health ministry,” said an official in the health minister’s office aware of the matter, on condition of anonymity

The health minister was in the village as part of the month-long ‘Har Ghar Dastak’ drive launched on November 3 by prime minister Narendra Modi, focussed on those whose second Covid-19 vaccination dose is overdue to accelerate the inoculation drive.

The minister visited some households in the village and motivated the villagers to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

UP has, so far, administered about 140 million doses of Covid vaccine, according to Dr Ajai Ghai, state immunisation officer.

Meanwhile, the Union health ministry also organised a webinar with media persons in the national capital to involve them in a big way at the state level to tackle vaccine hesitancy among masses.

The other things that the Centre has asked states to focus on is managing complacency, misinformation, misconceptions, rumours, fake news and anti-vaccine trends etc.

“Communication objectives should be to enhance awareness, knowledge, understanding, trust and belief in Covid vaccine; convincing families and communities on the need, value, and benefits…; increase confidence in safety of vaccine production, distribution and use; facilitate evidence based discourse; and ensuring accessibility to accurate information on Covid vaccine,” read the ministry document.

“The states have been asked to look into all these issues and devise ways to tackle them in an effective way,” said a senior government official aware of the matter, requesting anonymity.