- India,
- 19-Mar-2022 09:30 AM IST
A judge of Brazil's Supreme Court on Friday ordered a nationwide ban on messaging app Telegram. Delivering his verdict, the judge also expressed displeasure over not cooperating with Telegram officials. This strictness of the court is like a setback for President Jair Bolsonaro. In fact, Bolsonaro has more than a million followers on the platform, which could prove crucial to his campaign during the election in October.Justice Alexandre de Moraes said in his ruling that Telegram has repeatedly ignored requests from the Brazilian authorities. The company also ignored police requests to block profiles and provide information about blogger Alan dos Santos, accused of spreading lies about Bolsonaro. The judge noted that Telegram, unlike its competitors, also failed to name a legal representative in Brazil.Many Bolsonaro supporters have turned to Telegram since WhatsApp changed its policy. Here, the president has often accused De Moraes and Brazil's top court of decisions that go against freedom of expression.De Moraes, who headed the investigation into misinformation in Brazil's social media, issued a warrant for the arrest of dos Santos in October. Although this man, who has been called a fugitive social worker, is now in the United States, and remains active on Telegram from there.De Moraes said in his decision that the Telegram platform had, in every possible occasion, failed to comply with judicial orders in complete disregard for the Brazilian judiciary. He said that there has been a suggestion from the Federal Police to shut down this app. On the other hand, dos Santos has said that De Moraes's decision is based entirely on his own will.Jovem Pan, a radio and TV channel that broadcasts Bolsonaro's live broadcasts every week, was told by the blogger that at some point he would have to stop or stop. I do not believe that the Brazilian people will tolerate these atrocities any more. The judge said in his ruling that there will be a complete suspension of Telegram's operations in Brazil until the judicial decisions issued earlier are implemented. De Moraes has given Apple, Google and Brazilian phone companies five days to block Telegram.Bolsonaro and his allies encouraged their supporters to follow him on Telegram from January 2021. Inspiration for Brazil's leader Former US President Donald Trump was permanently suspended from Twitter in the wake of the Capitol Hill riots that same month. In January, Bolsonaro was asked by supporters what he thought about the Telegram investigation.He said it was cowardice what they were trying to do for Brazil. Telegram did not comment on the judge's decision and could not speak to his legal representative. However, Telegram service was operational till Friday afternoon.