Himachal Pradesh / Temples open for darshan, students gave exams, bus service started for outside states

Some more concessions given in Corona's restrictions in Himachal Pradesh have been implemented from Thursday. Religious places have been opened for views. The examination of final year has begun in colleges. Also inter-state bus service has also begun. Bus service has started under Corona's rules.

Shimla. Some more concessions given in Corona's restrictions in Himachal Pradesh have been implemented from Thursday. Religious places have been opened for views. The examination of final year has begun in colleges. Also inter-state bus service has also begun. Bus service has started under Corona's rules. Talking about religious places, the District Administration has issued an SOP in the capital Shimla, in which 27 kinds of rules are strictly for pilgrims. The record of every person coming to the temple is being kept, the temperature is being checked at the gate of the temple. Arounds have been arranged under the rules to enter and go out within the temple. There is no permission to touch any thing within the temple. In the famous Kalibodi temple of capital Shimla, devotees were coming to Mother Rani's views. However, due to Corona, a few devotees are reaching the temple, which is reaching, it is very happy.

In the colleges, the final year exams of BA BSC and B.Com also started from today. The examinations are being organized under the rules of Corona. Students are being checked on the college gate and are being contained together. College administration has created separate communications for social distencing and dentizations. Dr. Anupama Garg, Principal of Shimla's Kotshera College, said that 50 percent of the students are being set up by capacity in the Examination Hall. All types of rules are being raised. Students coming to the exam was also very happy.

Inter State Bus Service has also started. Capital Shimla's ISBT got a lot of initiatives. Buses have started the buses under the rules of Corona. With the total capacity of buses, 50 percent of the ride has been allowed to travel. In the ISBT, HRTC Control Room Incharge Romanand Thakur said that 70 percent of the government has ordered to start the service on 70 percent of the interstate routes, under which 40 buses of HRTC were run for external states. Bus service started for Punjab, Delhi, Haridwar, Chandigarh and Punjab. Wolbo bus service was also started from Shimla to Delhi. He said that the first day the riders are a little less if the number of riders increases, the number of buses will also be increased. With this decision, the riders have breathed relief. Migrant laborers Pancham Jadhav, who is going to Jharkhand from Rampur, told that he is going to his house after a half years.