Kapil Kumar Jhiriwal
- India,
- 16-Jan-2022,
NIA (National Investigation Agency) police station is going to open in Jaipur. The Central Finance Department has given approval for this. The MHA had proposed to the Central Finance Department to open the NIA police station. These police stations are to be opened in six places including Jaipur, Bhopal, Patna, Ahmedabad. This will create 300 new posts. Many cases are under investigation since the year 2018. At the same time, there are 12 branch offices in the country.
Large part of Rajasthan connected with Pakistan border, sleeper sales, ISI operatives can be tightened
If this police station opens in Jaipur, then the terrorist activities in Rajasthan will be curbed to a great extent. A large part of Rajasthan is connected to the Pakistan border. The sleeper cells caught from Jodhpur and some people living in Mewat area have been getting information about contact with ISI. The work of collecting information related to terrorist activities is done by NIA.
Being a central agency, it will be easy to collect all the information and take action against the persons associated with the terrorist organization. ATS takes action on these suspicious activities at the state level. In Rajasthan, an exercise was going on to open this police station to work on the increased suspicious activities in the last few days. Recently, in the matter of giving information about important documents related to army colonies and army, intelligence had disclosed the cases of honey trap while taking action.
Alert issued in Rajasthan
An alert has also been issued in Rajasthan due to the IED bomb found in Ghazipur, Delhi. All the security agencies of Rajasthan have been ordered to keep an eye on suspicious activities. Due to the occurrence of such an incident before 26 January, an alert has been issued in the state as well.