Benjamin Netanyahu / 'There is no place in Iran where we cannot reach' - PM Netanyahu's warning

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the United Nations that attacks on Hezbollah would continue until the goals were achieved. His statement could dim hopes of preventing a regional war. Netanyahu blamed Iran for the attacks and said Israel wanted peace.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Sep 28, 2024, 01:00 AM
Benjamin Netanyahu: At the United Nations on Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear to world leaders that his country would continue attacks against Hezbollah on the border with Lebanon until it achieved its goals. His statement has weakened hopes of an international ceasefire to prevent a regional war. Netanyahu said that Israel can no longer tolerate the rockets being fired daily from Lebanon.

Israel's view

Netanyahu stressed in his statement, "Israel has every right to take action to protect its citizens. We will continue to attack Hezbollah until all our objectives are met." He also gave an example that if there were terrorist activities on the borders of America, how long would the government there tolerate it? According to him, Israel has been tolerating this intolerable situation for a year and now it is time to stop it.

Defending action against Hamas

Netanyahu discussed the situation after the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, saying, "My country is fighting a war to save its existence." He spoke against the defamation of his country on the international stage, saying that Israel always wants peace, but it has to fight for its security.

Strong message to Iran

Netanyahu also targeted Iran in his speech. He said, "If you attack us, we will also respond." He blamed Iran for many problems in the region and said that the world should end the policy of appeasing Iran. Netanyahu also mentioned that "there is no place in Iran where Israel does not have access," a statement that reflects Israel's broader strategy in the Middle East.

The gravity of the figures

Netanyahu said that this war can only end when Hamas surrenders, lays down its arms and releases all the hostages. According to figures released by Gaza's Ministry of Health, more than 41,500 Palestinians have been killed and over 96,000 injured in Israeli attacks. These numbers highlight the seriousness of the conflict and make the situation even more complicated in the future.


Netanyahu's statement once again demonstrates how strong and clear Israel's position is, but at the same time, it also shows how slim the chances of peace in the region are. Until a solution to the conflict is found, the risk of war will remain, and both sides must remain firm in their respective goals.