Relationship / What is the reason for wife disinterest in sex

Many times when women are under pressure, then they are not able to cooperate with their partner in love. Responsibility of taking care of home, family and children, hormonal problems, any health problem, job stress, pre or post menopause problem, if there is a homemaker then day to day housework, responsibility of taking care of mother-in-law and children, There are many such things which reduce the desire for sex.

Relationship | In medical language, it is called hypoactive sexual desire disorder. According to research done on this topic, about a third of women, whose age is between 18 and 59, lose their interest in sex. You have to talk openly with your wife in this matter. But before that know that there are 6 reasons for a woman to say no to sex.

When women are under pressure

Many times when women are under pressure, then they are not able to cooperate with their partner in love. Responsibility of taking care of home, family and children, hormonal problems, any health problem, job stress, pre or post menopause problem, if there is a homemaker then day to day housework, responsibility of taking care of mother-in-law and children, many more There are many such things which reduce the desire for sex.

Reluctance to have sex due to husband's habits

Sometimes the body odor of the husband, not maintaining personal hygiene, drinking alcohol, consumption of cigarettes and tobacco also causes the wife to turn away from sex. Apart from this, the husband's shouting loudly, arguing, insisting on getting his words, etc., also creates reluctance in the wife's mind for sex.

lack of foreplay

Lack of foreplay during sex is also one of the reasons for the disinterest in sex in women. In foreplay, what the woman wants, how she wants, how long she wants, do all the things like that with her partner. Because sex is a matter of the mind for women. When her mind is happy, only then she will connect with her body by body.

repeating the same routine during sex

Sex is a natural expression. After having sex in the same way every day, it gradually becomes boring, due to which the woman's reluctance towards sex also starts. So try to try some new positions during sex, give some new romantic touch to the bedroom, give priority to the ways of having sex according to the wife's wish.

when she is going through a health problem

Women are not inclined to have sex when they go through health problems like headache, back pain, abdominal pain, period pain, hormonal changes, lack of sleep, thyroid problem. That's why it is very important that you take care of your wife, ask her about the health problems she is facing, know the reason for her pain and get her checked up by the doctor. When her health improves and with your support, she will become normally sexually involved with you again.

fear of getting a UTI

Women also reduce the frequency of sex due to the fear of getting a UTI. There are also a number of women who shy away from sex to avoid the problem of fungal or bacterial infections. While experts believe that knowing its cause and keeping yourself away from those reasons, UTI can be avoided.