Weight Loss: Obesity has become a big problem today due to disturbances in lifestyle. To get rid of this, people make all kinds of efforts, but not all people get success in this.Model lost 34 kg in 1 yearAmidst all this, Australia's famous TV comedian Rebel Wilson has surprised everyone by weighing 34 kg in a year. Everyone wants to know the secret of how he did this feat. Seeing the constant requests of people on social media, he himself has veiled this secret and told how he achieved this achievement.Did this work to reduce weightAccording to Rebel Wilson, she is over 40 years old. It is difficult to lose weight after this age. So he decided to work on several levels of strategy to reduce his weight. He decided to walk at high speed for an hour every day. Initially he had a lot of trouble but later the body got used to it.After walking only for the first few months, he joined the gym. Where she used to do light exercises. Among them, exercises to reduce hips and abdominal fat were special. Along with walk and exercise, he paid special attention to his diet. Earlier she used to eat a lot of fast food and snacks but after starting the walk, she stopped all this. Along with this, started eating more green vegetables, fruits, curd, milk and salad.Meditation support to relateTo relax himself, he resorted to meditation. This gave him confidence in himself. He took the help of soft music for mental peace. Due to all these measures, her weight gradually decreased and within a year she managed to lose 34 weights. Earlier his weight was 108 kg, which has now come down to 74 kg.According to Rebel Wilson, she was suffering from the most common cause of female infertility (polycystic ovary syndrome), due to which she started gaining weight at the age of twenty. This is the condition, due to the side effects of which there is rapid weight gain at the age of 20/21 years. Which becomes very difficult to control.Acting career got wingsThe comedian said that after losing weight, now his acting career has also got wings. Now he is getting many good acting projects, which makes him very happy. Now she is feeling more comfortable than before due to the loss of weight.