Fraud In Germany / 60 year old man got 90 doses of Kovid vaccines, used to earn by selling fake vaccine certificates

In the midst of the ongoing Kovid epidemic in Europe, a surprising case of forgery in corona vaccination and selling fake corona certificates has come to light in Germany. It is reported that a 60-year-old man took 90 doses of vaccines to earn money by selling fake certificates of vaccines.

In the midst of the ongoing Kovid epidemic in Europe, a surprising case of forgery in corona vaccination and selling fake corona certificates has come to light in Germany. It is reported that a 60-year-old man took 90 doses of vaccines to earn money by selling fake certificates of vaccines.

After all, this fraudster of vaccines recently got caught by the German police. However, he has not been arrested yet. He used to sell vaccine certificates to people who did not want to be vaccinated. However, in Germany, the interrogation of this forgery master mind is going on. In fact, it needed the batch number of the vaccine every time to generate a fake vaccine certificate. To achieve this varying batch number, he started taking doses over and over again on his own.

Got caught like this

This person hails from the eastern province of Saxony, Germany. He was caught at a vaccination center in Eilenberg when he was waiting in line to get the vaccine for the second day in a row. The police have also recovered many blanks and forged corona certificates from him. Forgery proceedings are on against him.

What happened to your own health?

The German news agency DPA says that this person has taken 90 doses of corona vaccines of different brands. What effect has this had on his health, it is also a matter of investigation for the doctors. Even after the outbreak of the epidemic, many people in Germany are not ready to be vaccinated. Only such people fulfill the mandatory vaccine certificate in hotels, swimming pools, offices and other places by making such fake certificates.

Corona cases have been increasing rapidly in Germany for a few weeks. Omicron's subvariant BA.2 is causing a rapid increase in the number of infected. Last Sunday, more than 74 thousand new cases were registered. However, a week before this, more than 1.11 lakh cases were found. So far more than 1.30 lakh deaths have occurred in Germany from Corona.