Viral News / Baby born without an ear, now after 10 years, doctors will put ready ears in the lab

Medical Science has made so much progress that now it is possible to treat every disease of people, but now the artificial organ is being imposed to humans. In this sequence, a 10-year-old girl is preparing to apply the ear made of 3D bioprint technology. If it becomes successful then it will be the first case in the UK when a man will be heard from the ear made in the lab.

Medical Science has made so much progress that now it is possible to treat every disease of people, but now the artificial organ is being imposed to humans. In this sequence, a 10-year-old girl is preparing to apply the ear made of 3D bioprint technology. If it becomes successful then it will be the first case in the UK when a man will be heard from the ear made in the lab.

Actually, 10-year-old girl of PembroCashire was born without the left ear at the time of birth. This disease is known as microtechnology, which means that his left ear was not properly developed and he became born.

Now the same child is preparing to apply 3D bioprint ears made in man and lab. This research has spent 2.5 million pounds in the UK.

The scientists of Swansei University are working on such techniques, which will be prepared for the new ear 3D 'bioprint' for them using some cartilage of Radia.

Researchers say that he is at the top of the participants in this project. In this scientist will probably use a small sample of cells present in his nose to create a live internal ear structure.

Research leadership is a doctor of Surgical Specialty Department of Plastic Surgery in Swansei University Medical School, Ian Whittaker and Health and Care Research Wales.

This research is being focused on the development of 3D 'bioprented' facial cartilage (such as ear and nose) by using material based on human cells and plants.

Radia's father Rana said that treatment will help to increase its confidence. He said, "Girls like to bind their hair and chase their ears. Two will be a positive thing.