Pakistan-China / China is waging war against Islam and Muslims

The ruling Chinese Communist Party has always opposed every aspect of society that threatens to challenge its primacy among Chinese citizens. The CCP, led by Xi Jinping, sees religion as a major threat to its dictatorship. The party fears that religion may replace the CCP in the Chinese public's mind and eventually threaten its monopoly on power.

Beijing: The ruling Chinese Communist Party has always opposed every aspect of society that threatens to challenge its primacy among Chinese citizens. The CCP, led by Xi Jinping, sees religion as a major threat to its dictatorship. The party fears that religion may replace the CCP in the Chinese public's mind and eventually threaten its monopoly on power. To avoid such a situation, the CCP has tried to impose party supremacy among the people in different ways and openly oppressed those who refuse to hold the CCP above their faith and religion. .

Muslims have to face persecution in China

There are many religions prevalent in China and its occupied territories, but especially those who believe in Islam have to face the most oppression and oppression. The people of Islam in China are mainly Uygurs and some other ethnic minorities, who live in occupied eastern Turkistan (Xinjiang). For decades, China has resorted to excuses such as surveillance, imprisonment, separatism, counter-terrorism and retraining to oppress Uygar Muslims and other ethnic minorities. Their civil liberties and human rights have been snatched away, and even civilian customs are locked in detainees (detention camps), including their families, which the Chinese call 'professional training centers'.

Campaign against Muslims intensified after 2012

Campaigns against minority Muslims have intensified with the rise of President Xi Jinping as CCP general secretary in 2012. As reported by Human Rights Watch, the CCP has implemented a comprehensive tracking system in large parts of Xinjiang, allowing government officials to track and monitor the Uygars. The Chinese government believes that through this, they will be able to identify Uygars who conduct 'suspicious behavior'. With the help of this mass surveillance system, China has arbitrarily detained more than a million Uigars in detention camps without any judicial process.

Muslims are prevented from doing religious work

Muslims living in Xinjiang and other parts of China are prevented from doing religious work and they are subjected to action by Chinese authorities if found doing so. Using their extensive surveillance network, they are constantly monitoring Muslims in Xinjiang and ensuring that Muslims do not follow their religion. Apart from the Uygars, another major Muslim ethnic group in China is the 'Hui' Muslims, who are closely connected to the majority Han population. Traditionally outside of Xinjiang, and other Muslim groups have enjoyed greater religious freedom than the Uygurs.

20 lakh Muslims detained after 2017

In recent years these groups have also seen a rapid increase in suppression of their faith and religious freedom by Chinese authorities. Repressive actions by Chinese authorities include the arbitrary imprisonment of religious leaders and the forced closure and demolition of mosques. According to a report by the Council of Foreign Relations, about 2 million Muslims have been detained by Chinese authorities since 2017. The Chinese government has claimed that the detainees have been kept in 'reintegration' camps, but the incessant evidence clearly shows that detainees are tortured, sexually abused, prevented from practicing religion Is, and is forced to take a pledge of loyalty to the CCP.

China has always denied human rights violations

The Chinese government has repeatedly denied allegations of human rights violations occurring in these camps and stated that the camps have only two functions. The first is to teach Mandarin, Chinese law, and vocational skills and the second is to curb extremist ideologies. The Chinese government has implemented many arbitrary rules and laws to prevent its citizens from practicing Islam. In violation of these imposed rules, people are sent to 'retraining camps' in China, from where return is impossible. In Xinjiang and other parts of China, young people 16 years or younger are not allowed to read the Holy Quran. The Chinese government has also banned long beards and burqas. Allegations of persecution and restrictions are that the Uygars of Xinjiang have not been given the freedom to name themselves according to their choice.

Most of the world's Islamic stakeholders remain silent against China

Despite the incessant evidence on China's atrocities against Islam, most stakeholders in the Islamic world have remained silent and are allowing these violations to continue. To silence the Islamic world, China invites Muslim-majority countries as well as journalists and diplomats from Africa, South Asia, and South-East Asia to call them Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. These foreign diplomats and journalists are systematically visited in schools and professional training centers in the region. In fact, all these activities are part of the screenplay, in which, during the tours, they are shown only what the CCP wants to show them. This not only earns Beijing goodwill from countries, but also prevents the truth from unfolding. Also, China Religious