Even though the bird's brain is in the skull, it understands the meaning of zero. Scientists have revealed in a new study that Kauke Zero's Concept (Concept of Zero) considered to be well. Zero's concept or zero concept fifth century A.D. I was given a little earlier. It is going to be surprised that crows understand this concept. While, neither has they been given their training nor have been taught. Then how is it possible, let's understand the information that is surprising ...First of all, understand what this concept is. What is the concept of zero? Add any other number in zero, reduce, multiply ... but zero's existence does not end. That is, 'the concept of nothing'. There is no effect on any of the presence of zero. However, since the fifth century many changes have changed in mathematics so far. But Crow understands Zero. He knows the meaning of zero.Professor of Animal Physiology in the Institute of Neurobiology in the University of Tubinjen, in Germany, said that if you ask the mathematicians, then he will tell you that the search for Zero was a huge achievement. The most important thing about Zero is that zero is not included in the counties of the common routine. As if there are three apples in a basket, then you will count him one, two, three. But if the basket is empty then you will not say that Zero is apple. You say it is empty.Andrea Nyder says that Zero (Zero) reflects emptiness. It is different from the experimental reality. As many times we tried to read the brain of the crows, it came to know that they also understand zero like other numbers. The pattern of the activity of the brain's mind tells that he understands zero before one. This is a surprising fact, but it is true. Crow understands zero.This study has recently been published in the Journal of Neuroscience. This report has been told that scientists used two to study the brains of the crows. There were two male carian crows (Corvus Corone). In this, the crows were placed on a wooden piece in front of a computer screen. In every experiment, there was a gray color screen in front of the crows, in which zero and four black dots come out together.After that the dots were also shown with the other numbers. On the crow screen, as soon as a two picture looked at a similar, he immediately shaken on the screen or shake his head with that image. If the number does not get, then they are quietly sitting. Even before that studying in 2015, it also understood the difference in the photographs that do not get more photographs. But it has to be difficult to train. This study was published in Procitings of the National Academy of Sciences.The computer was not included in the year 2015. Neither was zero in it. But the crows were successful in separating the picture with a five-dot picture. They were able to understand the difference between the two pictures dots. The more difference between two sets of dots, the crows understand the same easily. If you say in a common language, then the birds see the things near the nearby. Or they consider their size as one, such as another four. For them, these two numbers are not of any work. There is no difference between them.This process is called Numeric Distance Effect. Andrea says that this effect also understands the monkey and humans. But crows are specializing in zero separation from other numbers. It is a specialty in their mind that they understand this difference. Crows understand the difference between 'nothing' and 'something'. As far as the zero is talking, he understands him a simple figure. When the difference between these goal shapes increases, they also understand.Andrea said that when both crows were watching round dots on the computer screen. Then one of the 500 neurons of one's brain and 268 neurons of the other were active. As the numbers were coming in addition to zero on the screen, the neurons of the crows reduced the activity ... and after a while he stopped looking at the screen. But as soon as Zero came, he became active again. What does Zero mean for the crows could not be clear? But they understand Zero, this thing has been strong.Andrea Neodeer says that many amphibians or surcharits can make mathematical calculations, which includes zero. But they do not have the ability to learn like mammals and birds. Since birds and mammals are separated from the same common ancestor, both cognitive capabilities are almost the same. This is the best.