World News / Devastation caused by storms, landslides and floods in America, emergency declared in California

There has been devastation due to the storm in California, USA. Thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate immediately in Montecito, Southern California. President Joe Biden has declared a state of emergency in California. According to a statement released by the White House late Monday, Biden has issued an alert in California due to emergency conditions resulting from powerful storms

World News: There has been devastation due to the storm in California, USA. Thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate immediately in Montecito, Southern California. President Joe Biden has declared a state of emergency in California. According to a statement released by the White House late Monday, Biden has issued an alert in California due to emergency conditions resulting from powerful storms, floods and landslides, according to a news agency. On January 4, California Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency for the entire state, which is home to about 40 million residents, due to severe winter storms.

12 people died

According to a statement released by the governor's office, 12 people have died from storms, including flooding, since late December, which is more than the number of civilian deaths from wildfires in the past two years. "We are in the midst of winter storms, and California is using every resource it has to protect lives and minimize losses," Newsom said in the statement.

Millions of houses lost their lights

A winter storm continues in California with heavy rains that caused flooding, road closures and power outages in many areas across the state. Nearly 100,000 homes and businesses in California were without power as of Monday, according to, a website that collects live power outage data across the country.

above average rainfall

"We are taking the threat posed by these storms very seriously, and we want to make sure Californians remain vigilant," the governor said. The US National Weather Service (NWS) said nearly all of California was Several weeks have seen above-average rainfall, with precipitation exceeding the average by 400–600 percent.