Rahul Kumar Tamboli
- India,
- 21-Jun-2021,
Massachusetts: Some pictures of Massachusetts in America (US) have suddenly started trending on social media today. In these pictures, you will be able to see a glimpse of a strange laughing fish, which was caught in a fisherman's net.laughing fishWhen 29-year-old fisherman Jeffrey Dader saw this unique fish, he was also initially surprised. He immediately made a video of it and shared it, claiming that tickling the stomach of this fish makes him laugh out loud. The pictures of this laughing fish are now going viral. However, seeing these photos, people called the fisherman good and bad.The fish was yearning for air!This fish is called skate fish. Jeffrey caught it off Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts. Jeffrey claimed that this fish laughs when tickled. Jeffrey even posted a video of him laughing at the fish. However, when its pictures came in front of the people, they called the fisherman very good and bad on it. People claim that this fish is not laughing. It's actually yearning for air.fish like humanNot only this, another specialty of the skate fish caught the attention of the people. The fish looks like a human. Some called it cute and according to some it looks scary. Some explained the picture well. According to him, what people are thinking of as the eye of a fish is actually the opening of his nose. And what he understands as his mouth, he is his gills.