India / Foreign currency in lehenga button man held at IGI airport New Delhi

By the way, passengers adopt different methods for smuggling people. But the security personnel were also shocked to see the manner of a passenger at IGI Airport in New Delhi. This passenger was smuggling foreign currency and he had hidden this currency in the button of the lehenga. The CISF has handed over the man to the Customs Department after arresting him.

New Delhi : By the way, passengers adopt different methods for smuggling people. But the security personnel were also shocked to see the manner of a passenger at IGI Airport in New Delhi. This passenger was smuggling foreign currency and he had hidden this currency in the button of the lehenga. The CISF has handed over the man to the Customs Department after arresting him. Further investigation is being done in the matter.

CISF tweeted the video

CISF has given information about the matter by tweeting. According to this, the currency received from the button of the lehenga, its value in Indian currency is said to be around 41 lakhs. It has been told that the passenger had kept this lehenga in his bag. A video of this has been tweeted from the Twitter handle of CISF. In this video some employees are breaking the button of the lehenga and withdrawing the currency kept in it. Watching the video, it is known that the currency was folded in several folds and placed inside the button. After that it was stitched.