Viral News / Google Map made a mess, the groom reached to marry the wrong girl and then ...

The technique has made our life very easy and the Google Map wins its example. You can easily reach your destination at unknown places with the help of Google Map. But sometimes the tribe of technology also puts you in trouble. Something similar happened in Indonesia, because of the mistake of Google Maps, the young man reached the wrong address and he was married to another girl.

The technique has made our life very easy and the Google Map wins its example. You can easily reach your destination at unknown places with the help of Google Map. But sometimes the tribe of technology also puts you in trouble. Something similar happened in Indonesia, because of the mistake of Google Maps, the young man reached the wrong address and he was married to another girl.

Due to the mistake of Google Map in Indonesia, a groom reached the venue of another marriage. Hosts welcomed guests there and they were also snacked. During the interaction between family members, fortunately one of the bride's family realized and from any shameful situation, the people of both sides survived.

According to Tribunal News, there were two celebrations on that day - due to a marriage and second engagement, this program was created due to this program. It has been reported in the report that the bride was unaware of the situation initially because he was busy preparing with his make-up artist. Now a video of this incident is increasingly viral in which a family is going from there in a strange situation with many gifts.

According to a report of Kompus, a man resorted to Google Map to reach his wedding program and according to the described, he had to reach Loshi Hamlet in the Pakis district of Central Java. But that family reached Jengel Hamlet due to the mistake of Google Map, which was not far away from Losari Hamlet. Here the bride had to be engaged in Maria ULFA and his future husband Burhan Siddiqui but a young man who was married there accidentally.

The young woman who had to be engaged she said that she was shocked to see them because she did not know any person who came there, she saw it shocked, because it was not a boy that was going to be engaged. After this, the boy's uncle realized that something is wrong. The trainer Daily said that the boy has apologized to him and reached his real wedding site with the help of the ULFA's family. As the story became viral, people were surprised how man did not understand how he is going wrong in the house.