Vaccination / Govt releases new guidelines for implementation of COVID-19 vaccination program

Government has released new guidelines, that will come into effect from June 21, for implementation of vaccination program. "Vaccine doses provided free of cost by government will be allocated to States/UTs based on criteria such as population, disease burden and vaccination progress," it said. "Private hospitals may charge up to a maximum of ₹150/dose as service charges," it added.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 08, 2021, 04:13 PM
New Delhi: The Indian government has issued new rules for the implementation of the vaccination programme, which will take effect on June 21. 

"Government-provided vaccine doses will be distributed to States/UTs based on factors such as population, disease burden, and vaccination progress," it stated.

"Service costs may be charged by private hospitals up to a limit of Rs 150 ($2) per dose," it stated. 

As per the guidelines, each vaccine producer must declare the price of vaccine doses for private hospitals; among the population group of people over the age of 18, States/UTs may establish their prioritisation based on the vaccine supply schedule.