Israel-Hamas War / Hamas chief was not killed in the airstrike, bomb was fitted in Haniyeh's house 2 months ago!

Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh alias Ismail Haniyeh has not been killed in the airstrike. Till now it was being claimed in Tehran that he was killed in an alleged Israeli airstrike. But now the New York Times has surprised everyone by making a shocking revelation. The New York Times has reported, quoting several US and Middle East officials, that the death of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh was waiting in a posh area of ​

Vikrant Shekhawat : Aug 02, 2024, 08:40 PM
Israel-Hamas War: Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh alias Ismail Haniyeh has not been killed in the airstrike. Till now it was being claimed in Tehran that he was killed in an alleged Israeli airstrike. But now the New York Times has surprised everyone by making a shocking revelation. The New York Times has reported, quoting several US and Middle East officials, that the death of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh was waiting in a posh area of ​​Tehran for 2 months. As soon as Ismail Haniyeh and his bodyguard reached there, both of them were killed. According to the American newspaper, a bomb was fitted in Ismail Haniyeh's house 2 months ago.

However, the newspaper has not told who fitted this bomb. But Iran has already accused the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad for this. According to Iran, Haniyeh was killed in an Israeli airstrike for spying on Mossad. According to Hamas, it was a "treacherous Zionist attack on Haniyeh's residence in Tehran".

A remote bomb was planted secretly

According to the New York Times, death had been waiting for the Hamas chief for more than two months in Haniyeh's house in Tehran. A bomb was secretly planted 2 months ago in the guesthouse in Iran where he was expected to arrive. The guesthouse was inside a large complex, which was used by Iran's Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) for its secret meetings and accommodation of important guests. Hamas's top negotiator Haniyeh had led his political delegation to Qatar. Later he reached Tehran to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian.

The explosion was carried out after confirming that Haniyeh was in the room

According to the report of the American newspaper, when it was confirmed on Tuesday morning that Ismail Haniyeh was present in his room in the guesthouse, the killers detonated the bomb with a remote. The explosion was so powerful that the entire building shook. Many parts of it collapsed and windows broke. Haniyeh and his bodyguard were killed in this explosion. After the assassination of the Hamas chief, there is now a danger of the peace talks to end the Israel-Hamas war being disrupted and another wave of violence starting. However, Israel has not yet taken responsibility for this.

Later Iranian officials also accepted that the explosion took place inside the room.

Earlier there was a possibility of a missile attack. But later Iranian officials also accepted that the explosion took place inside Ismail Haniyeh's room. The bomb was somehow kept hidden. But the Iranian security agency is surprised as to how the killers managed to hide it for so long. What mistake did Iran make due to which the enemies fitted the bomb in Haniyeh's room. Earlier it was being claimed that the Israeli missile dodged the air defense systems in the Iranian capital. But the damage was so minimal that it was much less than the damage caused by a missile attack.

Reconnaissance was done before planting the bombs

According to Middle Eastern officials, the planning took months and the compound was under detailed surveillance. The plan was so precise that Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ziad al-Nakhla was present in the next room. But he was not injured that badly. The murder has embarrassed Iranian officials a lot. They have not yet been able to find out how and when the bombs were planted. A medical team present at the compound declared Haniyeh dead. They also failed to revive the bodyguard.

Mossad had vowed

Israel's intelligence agency Mossad is mainly tasked with assassinations outside the country. Mossad chief David Barnea had vowed to eliminate Hamas leaders after the October 7 attacks. He had said that it would take time to reach the Palestinian leaders, as it took after the Munich massacre. But he would not rest until he was finished with them. Even before this, Mossad had secretly carried out Operation Wrath of God in 1972 to avenge the killings of 11 Israeli athletes by Palestinian militants at the Munich Olympics. Its codename was Bayonet. It was extremely successful.