- USA,
- 22-May-2021 06:25 AM IST
Harvard University professor and scientist AV Laib recently asked scientists around the world, how long will the world be? How long will humans survive? What will be the date of ending the earth or the end of humans? Because they think the scientists are not working in the right direction. AV Loib has appealed to scientists to work to stop climate change. Create vaccine. Find the option of continuous energy. Everyone gets the way to get food. Prepare to create a big base station in space. Try to contact aliens as well. Because on the day we will be technically fully matched, from that day the whole generation of humans and the earth will be ready to be destroyed. At that time, all the search and technological development will be saved to some humans.Addressing the former student conference of Harvard University (AVI LOEB) said that the most important is to increase the age of human beings. Because I have asked how our technical civilization will survive for many years. In such a way my answer is that we are in the middle part of our life. Our technical civilization started hundreds of years ago. Then it was a child. Right now we are looking at its adolescence. It can survive for millions of years. We are currently looking at the youth of our technology. It can survive for some centuries but not more than that. On the basis of a mathematical calculation, AV Laib said. But can this future be changed?AV Loeb said that the way the condition of the earth is getting worse due to humans, it seems that the person will not be able to live on earth. In some centuries, the condition of the earth will be so bad that people will have to stay in space. The biggest threat is the technical disaster (Technological Catastrophe). These technical disaster will be attached to Climate Change (Climate Change). Apart from this, there are two major dangers, the war between the pandemic and countries developed by humans. If they were not working positively, then humans will end the earth themselves. Or he will destroy himself. It may also be that due to human activities, it is so tortured on earth that he started destroying himself.Avi Loeb said that humans can not save themselves from those threats that they have never bought before. Climate change like Because of this, the weather is changing in different countries. Glacier is melting. Marine water level is growing. For hundreds of years, the sleeping volcano has started to fire again. Jungle is getting frustrated by fire. Australia's fire can be forgotten. Crores of creatures killedThe ordinary model of physics says that all of us are made of elimental parties i.e. basic elements. Nothing has been added separately. Therefore, on the basis of nature's rules, we have no right to tamper with them at the fundamental level. Because all the basic elements make or spoil each other under the rules of physics. If they get the freedom of tampering then it will be damaged.AV said that humans and their complex physical structures can not predict any disaster privately. Because this is the fate of our human civilization. It has been coined similarly in history. How long will the human beans depend on the technical development in the future. Anyway, humans will hunt their own. Because many planets are made before sun. Maybe there are many planets where live organisms. They also have technical civilization. It may also be that they are mixing technical civilization with their traditional and ancient civilization. So that the identity of the technical civilization does not lose itself. When the radioactive atom can be over gradually, why the atom giving other life can not end.Humans should be studied at the moment of space. They should discover dead technical civilizations. It should be aware how these civilizations ended. Somewhere similar conditions are not with humans. But human beings always take a way to live. Therefore, in the future, human beings will succeed in saving themselves. But there is no less difficulty there. After all, the space station will make it around a planet. Which has no gravitational power. The space station of the planet without gravity does not mean. Or leave it to an infinite journey by creating the station in space. That is, if the earth will end then its gravity will also end, in such a situation, humans will not be able to hang in space by using its gravity.Avi Loeb said that suppose humans talk about leaving the earth and go to Mars. It may also reach the next 6-7 decades and also make your house there. But how many people will be able to go to Mars. Will they be able to spend so much money? If you also go to Mars, during cosmic rays, energetic solar particles, ultravile rays, breathing atmosphere and low gravitational humans will live more day. Assume that after facing these difficulties, some people will be able to sit on Mars and take them again in many decades to settle their world and carry people from the earth. Although going to Mars, there will be a big advantage that we will be able to discover other living planets from there. I.e. Terraformed Pla (Terraformed PLA