World / Imam removed as government adviser over film The Lady of Heaven protests

The UK government has removed Imam Qari Asim from the post of advisor for supporting a campaign to ban the film 'The Lady of Heaven', based on the story of Lady Fatima, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad. Imam Qari was the Islamophobia advisor to the Asim government and was also the vice-president of the workforce formed to curb hatred towards Muslims.

The UK government has removed Imam Qari Asim from the post of advisor for supporting a campaign to ban the film 'The Lady of Heaven', based on the story of Lady Fatima, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad. Imam Qari was the Islamophobia advisor to the Asim government and was also the vice-president of the workforce formed to curb hatred towards Muslims. She was informed via a government letter on Saturday evening that her support for the protest against the film 'The Lady of Heaven' restricts artistic expression and is likely to increase communal tension, hence her appointment is withdrawn.

There is a ruckus in Islamic countries as well as in many other countries regarding 'The Lady of Heaven'. The film, written by Yasir al-Habib of Kuwait, was released in the UK on 3 June. This was followed by outside theaters in Birmingham, Bolton, Bradford and Sheffield in the UK. Due to these protests, theaters there earlier this week canceled the screening of the film for the safety of their employees and customers. The film has been banned in Egypt, Morocco and Pakistan, while clerics in Iran have issued a fatwa against those who watched it.

"Your recent support for the campaign to limit free expression has fueled sectarian tensions," said the official letter to the head of the Mecca Masjid in Leeds, Qari Asim. You fueled an ongoing campaign to stop screenings of the film Lady of Heaven in cinemas, a clear attempt to restrict artistic expression. The campaign has promoted religious hatred. Therefore it is no longer appropriate for you to continue working with the government in roles designed to promote community harmony.'

Why is there controversy about the film?

The producer of this film is Maulvi Yasser Al-Habib, who is a Shia Muslim. It is alleged that Yasser al-Habib misrepresented some of the earliest prominent Sunni figures. His actions are believed to have been compared to those of the Islamic State group in Iraq. The Supreme Ulema Council of Morocco has said that the film is a gross falsification of established facts of Islam. The council accused the film of hate bias, saying that the filmmakers have hurt the sentiments of Muslims and tried to provoke religious sentiments to gain fame and sensationalise.