Horror Crime / Killed a three-month-old girl by slamming it on the wall, the heartless father did not sweat

In Patiala, a drug-addicted father killed his three-month-old daughter by slamming her against a wall. The parents are absconding after the murder. The police have registered a case against the accused following the complaint of the girl's grandfather. Police station Kotwali Nabha in-charge Rajesh Kumar told that the girl has been identified as Pari (three months).

In Patiala, a drug-addicted father killed his three-month-old daughter by slamming her against a wall. The parents are absconding after the murder. The police have registered a case against the accused following the complaint of the girl's grandfather. Police station Kotwali Nabha in-charge Rajesh Kumar told that the girl has been identified as Pari (three months).

The girl was slammed to death on the wall, traces of blood were also found on the wall. The girl's grandfather Sanjeev Kumar and grandmother Mona Rani have given a statement that their family lives in Pandusar locality of Nabha. His son Ajay Kumar was married about one and a half years ago. He is a victim of bad drug addiction, even his wife Kirti Sharma did not stop him from taking drugs.

His son was still drunk on Tuesday night. When there was noise in his son's room at around three in the morning, he went and saw it. There the angel was lying on the ground covered in blood. They took the girl to the civil hospital in Nabha but doctors there could not save her. During this Ajay and Kirti Sharma absconded. The grandparents of the crying girl said that those who gave such a bad death to the piece of liver should be given capital punishment. According to the police, the accused Ajay Kumar is a drug addict and did not do any work.