Murder And Robbery In Kanpur / Knocked on the door... said - I am the driver, attacked as soon as I entered, the screams buried in the walls

In Kanpur, the miscreants, who committed the robbery by killing the old lady, reached outside the flat and rang the bell first. When asked, he said that I am the driver. After this, as soon as the maid opened the door, both of them entered inside. With the help of a knife, both of them were taken to a room.

In Kanpur, the miscreants, who committed the robbery by killing the old lady, reached outside the flat and rang the bell first. When asked, he said that I am the driver. After this, as soon as the maid opened the door, both of them entered inside. With the help of a knife, both of them were taken to a room.

After that he brutally killed Madhu. Both Madhu and the maid kept on screaming but their scream was buried inside the walls. Maid Savitri told the police that the bell rang at around 8 pm. When Savitri asked who came, a voice came from outside that I am the driver.

had called. That's why I have come Savitri told this to Madhu. Madhu asked to open the door. Savitri told that when he opened the door, both the miscreants entered inside. One immediately took Madhu at knife point. Another tied Savitri's hands and feet with wire and locked her in the bathroom. Savitri says that after that they did not know what happened outside. When Neeru and the police arrived in the morning, she could get out.

All i could hear was screams

Savitri told that after locking her in the bathroom, the miscreants started beating Madhu. Took keys to lockers and shelves. Robbed cash and jewellery. Savitri says Madhu's screams were being heard. She was begging him to leave.

Take whatever you want to take but the crooks do not listen. When Madhu's screams finally stopped, Savitri feared something untoward. Surprisingly, these screams could not be heard even outside the flat. So the miscreants easily escaped.

Did Madhu know the miscreants?

Madhu and Savitri were in the flat at the time of the incident. The miscreants killed Madhu but released Savitri. The police is working on many apprehensions regarding this. It is suspected that Madhu probably knew one of the miscreants. Because of this fear killed him.

Daughter was in the upstairs flat

Madhu's flat number is 307. His daughter Neeru's flat is 407 just above. Neeru's flat is just above Madhu's flat. Neeru and his family were sleeping when the miscreants were vandalizing Madhu.