China News / Long queues of patients, alert in crematoriums... why is the Chinese virus scaring people?

A situation similar to Corona is arising once again in China. There is panic there due to the outbreak of Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV). Due to this virus, the crowd in hospitals is increasing and danger alert has been issued in many states. China is calling it pneumonia, while the world is becoming cautious.

China News: In the year 2019, the corona epidemic shook the world. Now once again such horrifying news has come from China. Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) has created a stir in China. Due to this virus, a danger alert has been issued in many states. The number of patients in hospitals is increasing rapidly and the crematoriums have also been alerted.

Spread of HMPV in China

According to media reports, the HMPV virus has spread to many states of China. Its cases have been reported in Tianjin, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hebei and Guangzhou including the capital Beijing. This virus is an RNA virus, which spreads rapidly from one person to another.

Pictures and videos of Chinese hospitals are going viral on social media, showing crowds of patients and beds installed in the corridors of the hospital. However, the Chinese government has so far given limited information about this virus.

Similarities between HMPV and Corona virus

The most worrying thing about this new virus is that its symptoms and way of spreading are very similar to the corona virus. The initial symptoms in HMPV patients are seen in the form of cold, cough and fever. This virus also spreads through coughing, sneezing and contact with infected surfaces.

The greatest risk of HMPV is on young children and the elderly. Experts believe that this virus can become a serious problem for children under 2 years of age and the elderly over 65 years of age.

Questions being raised on China's response

China is behaving in the same way about this new virus as it did at the beginning of the Corona epidemic. Then China described Corona as mere pneumonia, and now an attempt is being made to describe HMPV as a simple pneumonia as well. However, China's Disease Control Authority has set up a pilot monitoring system to monitor the virus.

The videos and pictures going viral on social media outside China are indicating that the situation is much more serious. Crowd of patients in hospitals and lack of medical resources are becoming a matter of concern.

Advisory issued in India too

In view of the increasing cases of HMPV in China, caution is being taken in India too. The Health Department has issued an advisory advising people to adopt measures to prevent infection. In view of the experiences of the Corona epidemic, this time India has already started taking precautions.

Norovirus also wreaks havoc

An outbreak of norovirus has also been seen in Lincang city of Yunnan province of China. 121 students of a primary school reached the hospital after complaining of stomach ache and vomiting. These students infected with norovirus were treated and all of them have recovered. This virus is also highly contagious and affects the stomach and intestines.

Symptoms and prevention measures of HMPV

Symptoms of HMPV include cold, cough, fever, sore throat, difficulty in breathing and fatigue. This virus can prove to be more dangerous for children and the elderly. To protect against this, it is necessary to wear a mask, maintain social distance and wash hands regularly.

Experts believe that if precautions are not taken in time, then this virus can also take the form of a global epidemic like Corona.

Alarm bell for the world

The news coming from China and the videos going viral on social media are once again an alarm bell for the world. Global health organizations will also have to keep an eye on this so that necessary steps can be taken on time.

Keeping in mind the lessons taught by the Corona epidemic, HMPV should not be taken lightly. This is the time for vigilance and preparation, so that the threat of this new virus can be controlled in time.