Viral News / Married to the same girl four times in 37 days ... Divorced thrice, case reached court again

A case of marriage and divorce has emerged from Taiwan, which may be surprised to hear. Here a bank employee married a single girl four times and divorced three times. And the reason came when the case reached the court. Actually, this matter is one of Taiwan's bank employees.

A case of marriage and divorce has emerged from Taiwan, which may be surprised to hear. Here a bank employee married a single girl four times and divorced three times. And the reason came when the case reached the court. Actually, this matter is one of Taiwan's bank employees. This person works as a bank clerk. According to Taiwan's National News Agency, when the person asked for a vacation for marriage, only 8 days leave was alive. The person got married and after a few days the holidays were over.

According to the law, 8 days of paid can be found for marriage. Then it turned out to increase the holiday. The person divorced his wife so that he could get married again and get paid leav.

According to the report, the person married a single girl inside 37 days and divorced 3 times. The disclosure of this case also happened in a tremendous way. Then this case reached the court.

The bank detected what he was trying to do. The bank first refused to give him extra paid. When the bank did not leave, the person filed a complaint in Taipei City Labor Court and accused the bank of breaking Labor Leave's rules.

According to this law, it is compulsory to get 8 days paid leve after getting married. The clerk had married 4 times, so he should have got 32 days of Paid Leave.

After this the bank has also filed an appeal against this decision. It was told that the holidays sought by the accused are not under the Labor Standard Act. At the same time, the Labor Court was not kept on behalf of the Commissioner.

Labor Court said that the bank clerk is wrong for the holiday, but there is no such provision in the Labor Standard Act, which prevents anyone from marrying one person again to take a leave. A penalty of about $ 700 was also imposed on the bank by the bank.

At present, it was not told whether the person was taken out of the job or not, but this matter became a matter of discussion. Often employees make a kind of excuse to take leave, but this excuse turned out at the forefront.

The report was also mentioned when this employee was married. It was found in April 2020. He demanded a holiday for marriage. Earlier, he was discharged eight days but then he made such a big drama for much holiday.