Now you will be able to get PAN card and Aadhar card made at railway stations also. Not only this, railway passengers will also get the facility to recharge the phone, pay electricity bills. For this RailTel is now going to set up RailWire Saathi Kiosk. This facility has started at two stations of North Eastern Railway. This facility will soon be available at other major stations including Gorakhpur.RailTel is setting up Common Service Center Kiosks at 200 railway stations across the country. In the first phase, Railwire Saathi Kiosks have been installed at two stations of North Eastern Railway, Varanasi City and Prayagraj Rambagh. In the second phase, preparations are being made to start this facility at many other major stations including Gorakhpur. Stations are being marked for this. Passengers will also be able to apply for Aadhaar through RailWire Saathi Kiosk and even get the facility to file taxes.These facilities will be availableServices include Travel Tickets (Train, Air, Bus etc.), Aadhar Card, Voter Card, Mobile Phone Recharge, Electricity Bill Payment, PAN Card, Income Tax, Banking, Insurance and many more.Chief Public Relations Officer (PRO) North Eastern Railway Pankaj Kumar Singh said that RailTel has installed Rail Wire Saathi Kiosks at two stations as a pilot project. It is planned to be installed at other stations in the coming time. Through this, railway consumers will get the facility of payment of electricity bill, mobile recharge, filling form for Aadhaar and PAN card etc. at railway stations.