Anju-Nasrullah Love Story / Pakistan wants to trap Anju forever, this is the proof

Vikrant Shekhawat : Aug 05, 2023, 06:00 PM
Anju-Nasrullah Love Story: Pakistan is preparing to implicate Anju who left her country in search of love, now Pakistan itself is doing it. Pakistan is plotting to keep him with it forever. Pakistan has extended the visa of Anju, the mother of two children going from India to Pakistan. At the same time, there have also been reports from Pakistan that after Anju's marriage to Fatima Ban Nasrullah, a Pakistani businessman has given her a plot, money and gifts to live.

Nasrullah is a resident of Upper Dir district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. It was here that Anju got married to him. While Anju and her husband were seen in Islamabad last week. Please tell here that Anju's visa is only for Upper Dir district of Pakistan. There is a condition on the visas of India and Pakistan that under these, a person going to another country can go only to those cities, whose name will be on his visa.

Anju was allowed to go to Upper Dir district only on her visa, but still she was seen in Islamabad. Many questions have started arising from this. According to Pakistan's Ministry of Interior, Anju had received a one-month visa for Upper Dir city. Although Nasrullah says that the government of Pakistan has extended Anju's visa for two months. He has told that Fatima's visa has been extended for two months and soon she will get one year visa.

Anju is also calling children to Pakistan

Nasrullah says that Fatima will now remain here in Pakistan forever. Along with this, Nasrullah wants the Government of India to send both Anju's children to Pakistan. Nasrullah is citing the unbreakable relationship between mother and children behind this demand. Although Anju's children living in India do not want to go to Pakistan.

Recently Anju called her husband in India. Both of them had a lot of debate on the phone. During this, Anju talked about sending the children to Pakistan, on which her husband flatly refused and told that the children have forgotten him and do not want to go to Pakistan at all.

Anju converted to Islam only last month. After accepting Islam, she was given the name Fatima. After becoming Fatima, Anju also married Nasrullah. Anju had befriended this Nasrullah through the internet, which later turned into love. For this love, Anju left her two children and husband and went to Pakistan.