India / President draupadi murmu independence day eve nation address read what she said

President Draupadi Murmu said on Sunday that India has helped the world to discover the true potential of democracy. He said that today the life values ​​of sensitivity and compassion are being given prominence in the country and the main purpose of these life values ​​is to work for the welfare of the deprived, needy and marginalized people of the society.

Independence Day Draupadi Murmu Speech: President Draupadi Murmu said on Sunday that India has helped the world to discover the true potential of democracy. He said that today the life values ​​of sensitivity and compassion are being given prominence in the country and the main purpose of these life values ​​is to work for the welfare of the deprived, needy and marginalized people of the society.

President Murmu's first address to the nation

Murmu, in his maiden address to the nation on the eve of the 76th Independence Day, said that major economic reforms are being accompanied by innovative welfare initiatives and the world has seen a "New India evolve in recent years, especially in the wake of COVID-19". After the outbreak of the pandemic.

..when india got independence

The President said that when India got independence, there were many world leaders and experts who were skeptical about the success of the democratic form of government in India at that time due to poverty and illiteracy. He said, 'We Indians have proved the people who raised doubts wrong. Not only did the roots of democracy grow in this soil, but it also prospered. “Whatever we have is given by our motherland. That is why we should take a pledge to surrender everything for the security, progress and prosperity of our country.

17 minute speech

During his 17-minute address, he said that the credit for making India's economy grow rapidly, despite the ongoing economic hardship in the world, goes to the government and policy-makers. He said that the country's development is becoming more inclusive and regional inequalities are also reducing.