Viral News / 'Pressure cooker' heatwave in Canada-US, cracks on roads due to terrible heat, self-made omelet

Canada and north-west is terrible heat. Because of this, cracks have come on the streets. Put the eggs out in the pan, then in a while, it is becoming an omelet. The walls of houses are melting. Mercury has reached 45 and 46 degrees Celsius. People are avoiding heat while bathing on the side of the sea, in the lakes

Canada and north-west is terrible heat. Because of this, cracks have come on the streets. Put the eggs out in the pan, then in a while, it is becoming an omelet. The walls of houses are melting. Mercury has reached 45 and 46 degrees Celsius. People are avoiding heat while bathing on the side of the sea, in the lakes, temporary pools made in homes. According to the World Materology Organization, it is a 'pressure cooker' heatway.

According to World Materology Organization (WMO), the growing pare above the last 48 hours has broken the record of summer twice. Institute spokesman Clare Nylis said that the people of these two countries have become habituated to stay in cold. Their condition is getting worse in such a summer. It is estimated that such a temperature will remain for the next five-seven days. Along with the nights will be too hot. In Canada's British Columbia, the temperature was 46.6 degree Celsius on Sunday in Liton. On Monday it increased to 47.9 degrees Celsius. That's a new record. On Tuesday, it reached 49.5 degrees.

Such photos are increasingly viral on social media. According to Meteorologists, the temperature has increased due to high pressure in Pacific Northwest. Due to climate change, its position is worsening. According to Berkeley Earth, the temperature of this area has increased 1.7 degree Celsius in the last half century. These growing temperatures are harmful for roads and structures made from metals. Their shapes are worsening outside the houses or buildings.

Schools have been closed in Canada and North-West America due to this summer. Along with this, Corona probe centers have also been closed. Because due to heat, cracks have come on the streets. Keep the eggs out, then it is becoming an omal. The covers of the metal engaged outside the homes are changing their size. Many places have been melted and crooked frameworks made from metals.

Now know why it is saying 'Pressure Cooker Heatwave). According to WMO, the temperature that has increased, it is not able to get out of the surrounding areas. He has limited in this big area. Because of which this pressure is working like cooker. Because of this, many people are suffering, because this area is usually cold. People do not apply AC. But now they have to arrange it.

WMO said that due to this summer, people's health, farming and environment will have bad effect. WMO's Canadian Meteorologist Armail Castellan said that this temperature can increase further. Mostly in coastal areas. The temperature in British Columbia is likely to be lower in the middle of the week. After this the heat will move towards Alberta. Two weeks ago, there was such a terrible heat in the desert and Kalfornia located in the north-west of America.

Northern Hemisphere i.e. North Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Eastern Europe, Iran and North-West Indian continent are also getting similar heat. Rose average temperature is reaching 45 degrees Celsius. At some places it is also going up to 50 degrees Celsius. The area around Western Russia and the Caspian Sea is also getting very hot.

According to WMO, the temperature in Russia's capital Moscow and its surrounding area is expected to be 30 degrees Celsius and 20 degrees Celsius at night. But around the Caspian Sea, it can go up to 25 degrees Celsi in a maximum of 40 and night. Which is more hot according to this area.

More than 130 people have died from the warmth of heat in Canada's Vancouver. Awesome Lu is going on around. In the Litan area of ​​Canada's British Columbia, the temperature reached 49.5 degrees Celsius at 4:30 pm on Tuesday. Who has broken a record of highest temperature continuously.

This condition of summer has spread from US Oregon province to Canada's Arctic area. Hot air is flowing above these areas. Portland, Oregon and Seattle condition in America are very bad. Here's so much heat after 1940.