World News / Putin again showed nuclear power flew in this deadly plane

Russian President Vladimir Putin flew as a co-pilot in a nuclear capable bomber plane on Thursday. The purpose of Putin's ride on this bomber plane is to show his strong image before the elections to be held next month. Putin's victory in the elections to be held in Russia is considered almost certain. Putin rode in the Tu-160M supersonic bomber aircraft for about 30 minutes. Through this flight, Putin's aim was to

Vikrant Shekhawat : Feb 23, 2024, 08:20 AM
World News: Russian President Vladimir Putin flew as a co-pilot in a nuclear capable bomber plane on Thursday. The purpose of Putin's ride on this bomber plane is to show his strong image before the elections to be held next month. Putin's victory in the elections to be held in Russia is considered almost certain. Putin rode in the Tu-160M supersonic bomber aircraft for about 30 minutes. Through this flight, Putin's aim was to show the strength of Russia's nuclear power amidst increasing tension with Western countries over the war in Ukraine. Putin, 71, who is contesting the election as an independent candidate, is confident of his firm grip on Russia's political system, which he has established over the last 24 years.

Plan to deploy nuclear weapons

Let us tell you that recently America had claimed that Russia is planning to deploy nuclear weapons in space. On this Putin made it clear that Moscow has no intention of deploying nuclear weapons in space. He claimed that Russia has developed space capability only equal to America. This statement of Putin comes after the claim made by the White House last week. In which the US administration had said that Russia has developed anti-satellite technology.

Order to negotiate diplomatically

White House spokesperson John Kirby said that President Biden has already ordered direct diplomatic talks with Russia in view of the threat. Putin called for adherence to international agreements on space weapons. He said that Russia has repeatedly offered to work together to strengthen these laws.