National News / Recruitment process will not change, award will also be available, Officers answered important questions on Agniveer

Defense Ministry again held a press conference today amid nationwide protests over the Agneepath scheme. During this, many confusions related to its recruitment process and other things were cleared. It was told by the Ministry of Defense that no changes have been made in the recruitment process.

Delhi: Defense Ministry again held a press conference today amid nationwide protests over the Agneepath scheme. During this, many confusions related to its recruitment process and other things were cleared. It was told by the Ministry of Defense that no changes have been made in the recruitment process. Agniveers will have to give an undertaking that they have not been involved in any kind of demonstration or agitation. There is nothing new in this. This has been happening before. On this occasion, Air Marshal SK Jha said that now only Agriveer will be recruited in the Air Force.

The spirit of patriotism is to serve in the army

Lt Gen Anil Puri said that the Agneepath plan will balance three things. First, it will add youthful profile to the Armed Forces. Secondly, technical savvy and people capable of adapting to the situation rapidly will join the army and thirdly, Agniveer will be ready for the future. He said that the board will decide who will be selected. This process will be centrally. We want the best because there is a question of protecting the country. If Agniveer joins the fight, he will get Param Vir Chakra and such honours. He said that we will ask the youth not to let this chance of devotion of the country go away. Patriotism or working in the army is a passion, not a job. He said that no other country in the world has as much diversity as India. 50% of our youth are below 25 years of age. We should include as many of these people as possible.

Agniveer will be able to join merchant navy

During this, it was said from the Air Force that talks were going on with the Ministry of Shipping and DG Shipping for several months. Under this an order has been issued, which is only for Agniveers. Under this, Agniveer can join the merchant navy. Apart from this, another order has been issued. Under this, the Indian Navy and DG Shipping will work together. Now not only Agniveer, other sailors and sailors will also be able to join the Merchant Navy. He said that Agniveers will be trained in such a way that they will be completely future ready. He will be trained at sea. He will be fully capable in the future.