Russia-Britain Relation / Russia retaliated against Britain, Moscow also summoned the representative of the British Embassy

Vikrant Shekhawat : May 17, 2024, 03:00 PM
Russia-Britain Relation: There is a standoff between Russia and Britain amid the ongoing war with Ukraine. Russia has given a big message to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak by taking forceful retaliatory action against Britain. It is noteworthy that Russia took this action when Russia's first defense attaché in Britain was dismissed earlier this month on charges of espionage. In response to this, the Russian government also dismissed Britain's defense attache on Thursday, declaring him an undesirable person. Not only this, Russia asked the British attaché to leave the country. However, one week's time has been given for this.

Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it summoned a representative of the British Embassy in Moscow on Thursday and expressed "strong objection to the baseless decision" to expel Russia's defense attaché from London. "We regard this move as clearly a politically motivated action of a jealous nature towards Russia, which is causing irreparable damage to bilateral relations," the statement said. Britain on May 8 Accused the defense attache of being an undeclared military intelligence officer and announced the expulsion of the diplomat from the country for malicious activities.

Russia has threatened Britain many times

Russia is also angry at the UK for helping Zelensky in the Ukraine war and providing weapons. Putin has made public and open threats to Britain several times. Relations between Russia and Britain have remained tense since the Ukraine war. Now retaliation against each other has made it more complicated.