Mathura / Soon the devotees of Girirajji will be able to do Saptkosiya Parikrama by helicopter

Soon the devotees of Girirajji will be able to circumambulate the Saptkosiya by helicopter. Regular heli service in Govardhan is going to start soon. For this, a heliport has been completed at village Paitha under Parikrama Kshetra at a cost of 4.94 crores. From where the private company will operate the heli service.

Soon the devotees of Girirajji will be able to circumambulate the Saptkosiya by helicopter. Regular heli service in Govardhan is going to start soon. For this, a heliport has been completed at village Paitha under Parikrama Kshetra at a cost of 4.94 crores. From where the private company will operate the heli service.

The largest number of devotees coming to Braj Darshan are those who reach Govardhan after Vrindavan. Especially on Mudiya Purnima, this number remains more than one crore. Twice the tourism corporation has done the trial of Parikrama with a helicopter here. After this trial was successful, a heliport (permanent helipad) was constructed by PWD at a cost of Rs 4.94 lakh in village Paitha. This heliport has been completed on the pattern of Vrindavan Pawan Hans. The state government has constructed such heliports in Mathura as well as in Prayagraj, Banaras, Agra and Lucknow.

After the report of the completion of the construction reached the government, now preparations have been started to start the heli service from here before Mudiya Purnima. It is expected that the process of contracting with private companies for the service will start soon. Tenders are to be invited for this in the next few days.

Heliport in village Paitha has been completed. The process of contracting the operation of the helicopter from here is going to start soon. This will be regular service. In this, along with the circumambulation of Girirajji, it is also possible to get heli service for traveling to Agra, Vrindavan and other places. The proposal of complete Braj Darshan can also be included in this. At present, proposals from private companies will be invited at the government level for this.

- DK Sharma, District Tourism Officer