Asteroid Passed Earth / This asteroid passed close to the earth at the speed of a super ballistic missile, fear of danger persists

According to NASA scientists, a giant-sized asteroid passed very close to Earth on Thursday. It was seen through binoculars. The possibility of collision of this planet with the earth was being expressed. Although it passed very close and survived the collision, but during this time the heat produced by the proximity of both the planets is expected to burn up a large part of the asteroid.

Asteroid Passed Earth: According to NASA scientists, a giant-sized asteroid passed very close to Earth on Thursday. It was seen through binoculars. The possibility of collision of this planet with the earth was being expressed. Although it passed very close and survived the collision, but during this time the heat produced by the proximity of both the planets is expected to burn up a large part of the asteroid. It is believed that its parts broken by the asteroid may fall on the Earth. These pieces are moving very fast towards the earth. Due to this, the possibility of danger remains. The place where it will fall, there can be heavy loss. Although scientists are trying to turn these pieces into ashes in the air itself.

According to astronomers, this asteroid was passing close to the Earth at the speed of a hypersonic super ballistic missile. Had it collided with the earth, an earthquake could have occurred. But a major accident was averted. NASA scientists claim that its distance from the southern tip of America was only 3600 kilometers. Which is very less. The speed of the planet is said to be 25682 kilometers per hour. In such a situation, it could also cover the remaining distance of 3600 kilometers in seconds, but fortunately, there was such a gap that the asteroid passed without colliding with the earth. Scientists are also surprised to see the hypersonic missile-like speed of this asteroid.

This asteroid was very dangerous for the earth

This asteroid was very dangerous for the earth. It is also called Asteroid. This planet passed through a distance of about 30 lakh million km on January 11 last. Even then it was seen through binoculars. Scientists have named this asteroid as BU 2023. According to scientists, NASA has recently discovered a technology to protect the earth from collision with asteroids. The collision can be prevented by changing the direction of the asteroids by special aircraft of NASA. There are many such asteroids, whose possibility of collision with the earth remains. If information about asteroids is available in time, then scientists can change its direction. Just in the month of September-October, NASA had achieved great success by changing the direction of two asteroids. Both these steroids were rapidly coming towards the earth.