In Western Africa, people were filled so much angry that this elephant was killed and then the people of the village ate this giant elephant. Let us tell that these elephants were ran away from Benin's National Wild Life Park in Western Africa and after running away from the National Park, Kindki was roaming in the name of the name.These elephants were quite active in the villages around this area since March. According to the reports, this elephant first had a target to a woman. After this he had injured many people in the village. Since then, local people were very angry about this elephant.Many people had to eliminate this elephant or to send it back to the National Park, but their point was not given special attention. A month later, it had killed two people in the field of Sonasoro. Since then the administration became serious and NGO African Park Rangers of South Africa started looking for this elephant.On April 27, the Rangers said that this elephant has been killed. After this, the Rangers employees to tear this elephant and divided its meat in the local people. People's picture on social media were getting viral. According to the reports, this elephant had to be hit because the Rangers did not want to be a big threat to the local people.In a conversation with France 24, Forestry Captain David Icgann said that this elephant was killed near the Alibi river. We have to save the work of the Rangers environment but we were under pressure due to the local people. There is no interest in killing our animals. This elephant had become so violent that there was a lot of problems in sending it back to Nachural Park. Apart from this, the transport facility was not even available to carry it.