The South African government is headlines due to their controversial proposal. According to this proposal, women can keep more than one husband. In this country, men already have a system to marry more than one and now some such government wants to do for women.However, the conservative organization of South Africa is angry about this decision. The popular celebrity of the well-known businessman and TV has been standed in protest against this proposal. He has said that South Africa's culture will end on becoming the law of this proposal.In this case of Moses, women can never take men's place. Apart from this, he also asked if women will laugh for men after this law? Let us tell that Lowla is called the price of the bride in African culture, which is given by men.Moses also asked what conditions of children in such relationships. He said that if more than one married weddings, then it is a prevalent practice, but if the woman does more than one wedding, men will not be able to catch it because they are very jealous and the society will be scattered.Although the Ryaley TV star Moses has four wives themselves, but they have trouble with more than one marriage law for women. Significantly, this proposal has given the home department of South Africa and it has been demanded to be included in the Green Paper.Independent report says that in this case, the African Christian Democratic Party leader Kenneth Messoho also said that the society will be destroyed. The statement of Professor Colis Mecko was also very interesting about it. He said that the African society is not ready for similarities in the right way. We do not know how we deal with such women who can not control. (Significantly, the neighboring country of South Africa is a trend to keep more than one husband already in Zimbabwe. Professor colins have also done research on this. He said in a conversation with the BBC that such weddings usually take the initiative.Tell that the Constitution of South Africa is one of the world's most progressive constitutions. Here gay marriage has also been recognized and the transgenders also get full rights.