Sachin-Seema Love Story / Why is Seema Haider feeling scared even after being in love?

Vikrant Shekhawat : Jul 12, 2023, 12:01 AM
Seema Haider Statement: Seema Haider of Pakistan who got her love Sachin after overcoming all the obstacles is in discussion. Seema reached India via Nepal and is living with her love Sachin in Greater Noida. Seema is feeling safe after reaching India, but she is worried about one thing. They are afraid of what will be their fate if they are sent back to Pakistan. Whenever the question of return to Pakistan is raised in front of the border, she cries.

What does Seema Haider say?

Seema Haider says that I do not want to go to Pakistan. I will be killed there. That country is not safe for me. There is no police in my village. There is no law there. Seema Haider said, I am safe in India. I have the support of the government here. My children are also safe here. According to Seema, her Pakistani husband Ghulam Haider threatens her. Seema said that I cannot live with Ghulam. I want to divorce her. He makes many promises. He is a liar. Seema said that Sachin is keeping me well here. Family members take care of me.

Seema further says that I had my parents in my house and have a brother and sister. Parents are no longer in this world. Father died in December 2022. I had no one in Pakistan after he left. I always want to be with Sachin. I will die in India only.

Seema Haider said that no one brought me to India by persuasion, I have come here on my own free will for the sake of love. She cited strict rules for women in Pakistan and the potential danger to her life as the reason for not returning. Please tell that Seema Haider was arrested on July 4 on charges of illegally entering India with her children. Sachin was arrested on charges of giving shelter to illegal immigrants. Both are now out on bail. Seema Haider has 4 children, who are below seven years of age.

Seema Haider and Sachin first met in Kathmandu, Nepal, where they got married secretly. She later went back to Pakistan, where she sold a plot for 12 lakh Pakistani rupees and arranged flight tickets for herself and her children.