ChatGPT / Will AI end Google's empire? Creating danger for these people too

Google is known as the most used website and has remained the top search engine since the beginning of the year 2000. However, after the arrival of new Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots like ChatGPT, which answers people's questions online, there is a danger of losing its kingship in front of Google. Google is countering this by creating its own Artificial Intelligence, but the chatbot hasn't made a great start.

ChatGPT: Google is known as the most used website and has remained the top search engine since the beginning of the year 2000. However, after the arrival of new Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots like ChatGPT, which answers people's questions online, there is a danger of losing its kingship in front of Google.

Google Artificial Intelligence VS ChatGPT

Google is countering this by creating its own Artificial Intelligence, but the chatbot hasn't made a great start. Let us tell you that recently Google had demonstrated its Artificial Intelligence. Although Google's Artificial Intelligence gave wrong information about the James Webb Space Telescope. Since then, the shares of Google's parent company Alphabet have declined. Google is the most popular in the world and especially the money it gets from advertisements is much more than the rest, but the recent change in technology has created a big problem in front of Google.

Google Advertising Revenue will be affected like this

Google got huge success due to advertising but now it will have to go through difficulties, if AI Chatbot like ChatGTP starts capturing advertising revenue, then it will become Google's top search engine in terms of advertising. Can shake the kingdom of. People dependent on Google often do not ask questions and it happens that they do not go beyond the first search page of Google, but after the arrival of AI, they are not limited to just a few websites while searching for something. . The chatbot also shows him the content and also talks.

There are many problems ahead of AI Chatbot

Many problems are also being seen with AI Chatbot. Many people have expressed concern about Artificial Intelligence. People believe that this can lead to plagiarism or even more so many jobs can be lost and the income of lawyers, journalists and other professionals can decrease.

Statement from the CEO of OpenSI

CEO of OpenSI who developed ChatGPT. He said that the company is developing such a tool by which articles or content written by AI can be identified. In a video interview, he said that we hear from teachers that homework is being affected by it. At the same time, we also hear from some teachers that this is the best personal tutor for the child.