Two trains collide today! / Will fight at high speed, Railway Minister Vaishnav himself will ride in one, know what is the matter?

Today is going to write a new chapter for Indian Railways. Usually train accidents happen suddenly, but on Friday there will be a collision of two trains, whose script has already been written. Trains will have a unique collision in Secunderabad, Telangana. Two trains will collide with full speed. Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav himself will board a colliding train.

Today is going to write a new chapter for Indian Railways. Usually train accidents happen suddenly, but on Friday there will be a collision of two trains, whose script has already been written.

Trains will have a unique collision in Secunderabad, Telangana. Two trains will collide with full speed. Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav himself will board a colliding train. At the same time, in the second train, there will be other big officials including the chairman of the Railway Board. Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav will be in Secunderabad to witness the trial of this technology on the Sanathnagar-Shankarpally section. According to the Railways, the Railway Minister and the Chairman of the Railway Board will participate in the test to be held on March 4.

Indigenous 'armor' will be tested

Actually, through this collision, the Railways will test the indigenous technology 'Kavach'. 'Kavach' is such an indigenous technology, using which there will be no collision of two trains. This is the cheapest technology in the world. This armor has been developed to achieve the goal of 'Zero Train Accident'. It is an indigenously developed Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system. The armor is designed to stop a train automatically.

Rs 50 lakh per kilometer

According to senior railway officials, when the digital system detects any manual error like red signal or any other fault, through this technology the train passing through the respective route automatically stops. After implementing this technology, its operation will cost Rs 50 lakh per kilometer. It is very less as compared to other countries. Worldwide, about two crore rupees are spent on such technology.

This is how 'armor' works

Railway officials said that today we will show how the system works in three situations. In this technique, when the train passes through such a signal, where it is not allowed to pass, then a danger signal is sent through it. If the loco pilot proves to be unsuccessful in stopping the train, then by means of 'Kavach' technology, the brakes of the train are applied automatically and the train is saved from the accident. Kavach technology works on high frequency radio communication. It also verifies to SIL-4 (System Integrity Level-4). This is the highest level of Railway Safety Certification.

Was announced in the budget

The implementation of this technology was announced in the budget. Under the 'Self-reliant India' campaign, two thousand kilometers of railway network will be brought under the ambit of Kavach technology. So far, Kavach has been installed on more than 1098 km of route and 65 locomotives in the ongoing projects of South Central Railway. This technology is planned to be implemented on the Delhi-Mumbai and Delhi-Howrah corridors. The length of this route is about 3000 km.