Peru / Woman alive at funeral, know what happened to her

You must have heard such reports many times that when a person was being taken for the last rites, then he came alive. About a month ago, a similar case was reported from Peru. When a woman became alive at her funeral. Rosa Isabel Céspedes Callaca, 36, was the victim of a terrible car accident. He was declared brought dead by the doctors at the hospital on 25 April.

Peru: You must have heard such reports many times that when a person was being taken for the last rites, then he came alive. About a month ago, a similar case was reported from Peru. When a woman became alive at her funeral. Rosa Isabel Céspedes Callaca, 36, was the victim of a terrible car accident. He was declared brought dead by the doctors at the hospital on 25 April. It was told that during the accident she fell on the ground on her head and suffered a serious brain injury.

According to the information, preparations were being done for his funeral on 26 April. He was taken to the cemetery in an open coffin. Then someone from his family saw that the woman had opened her eyes. He was sweating. The manager of the cemetery immediately called the police.

Rosa Isabel was immediately taken to the hospital in the coffin. Doctors said Rosa Isabella was showing signs of life. The family members of the woman were demanding an inquiry as to how this could happen. He said that Rosa must have been in a coma.

However, there can be many reasons for this to happen. After death, movement is also visible in the eyelids many times. There can be many changes in the dead body which you do not even expect. This is especially the case after traumatic deaths.

It is also not necessary that the heart stops beating for a long time during death. In fact, it is unusual for many biological processes to continue after death. The human body is learning more everyday than ever before. So 'dead' is a relative term and it is true that we do not fully understand it.

Whatever happened to Rosa, it happens when the brain dies, but the rest of the organs keep working. In 1998, a research was done in which about 175 cases were found, where after the brain is dead, the body continues to function for more than a week.

Whatever the reason for this incident, but this story did not have a happy ending. The report said that Rosa was admitted to a local hospital, where her blood oxygen level was being monitored, but within a few hours she was pronounced dead for the second time and this was the last time.