Special / Woman passenger attempt to open door in flight of america

Many cases happening in government and private planes keep coming up from all over the world. Many times they meet with accidents and sometimes due to the passengers, their exploits go viral. In this episode, another case has come to the fore when a female passenger suddenly started opening the gate of a flying aircraft.

Woman Attempt To Open Flight Door: Many cases happening in government and private planes keep coming up from all over the world. Many times they meet with accidents and sometimes due to the passengers, their exploits go viral. In this episode, another case has come to the fore when a female passenger suddenly started opening the gate of a flying aircraft. After this there was so much uproar that it went viral all over the world.

the passenger got up from her seat

Actually, this incident is from America. According to media reports, this flight Southwest Flight 192 was going from Houston city of Texas to Columbus in Ohio. It is being told that this flight had reached an altitude of 37 thousand feet when this female passenger got up from her seat. The name of this woman is Alom Agbegninau and she is 34 years old.

The gate started opening, there was a stir

At first no one understood why the woman was standing, but when she started opening the gate, there was a stir. When a passenger tried to stop him, he bit that passenger on his thigh. After this, when a flight attendant asked her why she was doing this, the woman started manhandling him.

Flight made emergency landing

He was somehow caught and the emergency landing of the flight was done. After this the woman was arrested. Surprisingly, when the woman was asked why she did this, she replied that Jesus told her to do so. At present, orders have been given to investigate the incident.