Special / 158 twins are born here in every 1000 in nigeria city Igbo Ora it is called the twin capital

Every city in the world has one or the other specialty, but today the city about which we will tell you is so special that anyone knowing about it will be surprised. If you go to meet someone in this city, you may see him standing outside as soon as you leave the house after meeting him. If you are getting confused, then tell that this city is famous all over the world as the city of twins.

Nigeria News: Every city in the world has one or the other specialty, but today the city about which we will tell you is so special that anyone knowing about it will be surprised. If you go to meet someone in this city, you may see him standing outside as soon as you leave the house after meeting him. If you are getting confused, then tell that this city is famous all over the world as the city of twins.

Igbo-Ora city of Nigeria has a population of 2 lakh 78 thousand. This village is located about 80 kilometers from Lagos, the capital of Nigeria.

Twin capital of the world

This city is called the 'Twin Capital' of the world because it has a sizeable population of twins. It is said that out of every 1000 children born here, 158 births are of twins. Every year Twins Festival is organized here. In which more than 1000 twin pairs are involved.

What is the secret of the large population of twins

Now the big question is why so many twins are born in this village. Different opinions and claims keep coming forward regarding this. A study suggests that due to the eating habits of the women of this area, twins are more likely to be born here. At the same time, in a study, it was claimed that a special chemical found in the body of the women here could be the reason for this. This chemical is found in the peel of the fruits found here. However, no direct relation between dietary intake and birth of twins has been proved scientifically.

However, this is not the only place which is famous because of the high population of twins. Cândido Godoi of Brazil and Kodinhi, a village in Kerala in India, are also famous for the high number of twins.