Vikrant Singh Shekhawat
- India,
- 27-Sep-2023,
ISRO Venus Mission: After Moon and Sun, ISRO now has its eyes on Venus. He is preparing to send a spacecraft to Venus. ISRO has developed the payload for this mission and Mission Venus can start soon. ISRO Chief S Somnath said that we have a lot of missions in the concept stage. A mission to Venus has already taken shape. Payloads for this have already been developed. ISRO Venus is an interesting planet. Venus also has an atmosphere. Its atmosphere is very dense. Atmospheric pressure is 100 times greater than Earth's and is full of acid.Why is ISRO so interested in Venus? Why is ISRO preparing to launch Mission Venus? Actually, Venus is the nearest neighbor of Earth. Venus is often called Earth's twin. Earth and Venus are similar in size and density. The atmosphere of Venus is about 90 times denser than that of Earth.Now let us tell you what will be achieved from ISRO's Mission Venus.-Study of the chemistry of the atmosphere of Venus -Research on the structural variations of Venus -Study of the effects of the sun's rays on Venus -Research on the acids present on VenusNot only ISRO has its eye on Venus, but some other space agencies of the world want to do research on it. The European Space Agency launched Mission Venus in 2006. Japan's Akatsuki Venus Climate Orbiter has been orbiting since 2016. NASA's Parker Solar Probe has made several orbits around Venus.Mission Venus is not easyMission Venus is not easy for ISRO. Scientists say that the planet Venus is considered complicated. In fact, the structure of the surface of Venus is also not known properly. There are dense clouds here at an altitude of only 60 km. It is called sulfuric acid. The planet rotates slowly, but the wind blows fast there. Venus is considered the hottest planet because it is closest to the Sun.